Be Smart!
Winston LiFeYPO4 technology outperforms conventional AGM,SLA in several aspects.
They work longer (lifetime, cycle-life), our 10 years experience shown avarage lifespan of 5000 cycles (depending on the discharge rates, minimum 2000, maximum observed 8000).
More poweful, with available continious discharge rate at 3C (3 times its capacity), LiFeYPO4 provide more energy than AGM,SLA.
No acids, unlike AGM,SLA the LiFePO4 does not contain life threathening substances.
Non explosive, Li-Pol (Polymer) and other batteries frequently used in consumer electronic (Phones, Tablets) are extremely dangerous when physically damaged or misused. You can actually pierce LiFePO4 with metal and not cause fire or explosion. Shortcut it for long periods with the same (little to none) effect.